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Included publications

  • Abdel-Motelib, A., Bode, M., Hartmann, R., Hartung, U., Hauptmann, A., and Pfeiffer, K., 2012, Archaeometallurgical expeditions to the Sinai Peninsula and the Eastern Desert of Egypt (2006, 2008), Metalla, 19(½), 3–59.

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  • Amov, B., Kolkovski, B., and Dimitrov, R., 1993, Генезис и възраст на хидротермални рудни минерализации в родопската металогенна зона въз основа на изотопния състав на оловото в галенит  \[Genesis and age of hydrothermal ore mineralization in the Rhodope metallogenic zone on the basis of the isotopic composition of lead in galena\], Annuaire de l’Université de Sofia “St. Kliment Ohridski” Faculté de Géologie et Géographie, 85, 73–98.

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  • Asael, D., Matthews, A., Bar-Matthews, M., Harlavan, Y., and Segal, I., 2012, Tracking redox controls and sources of sedimentary mineralization using copper and lead isotopes, Chemical Geology, 310–311, 23–35 DOI:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2012.03.021

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Interface of the app

The interface of the app consists of five parts:

  1. The menu, which can be shown/hidden with the button 1a
  2. The header with two options to control the app’s appearance: Toggle full screen mode (2a) and toggle light/dark mode (2b)
  3. Different filter for the database, which can be shown/hidden (3a) and unpinned/pinned (3b)
  4. The footer
  5. The work area. All windows here can be collapsed and also maximised. If maximised, their content will be scaled accordingly.

Filter the database

A wide range of options are provided to filter the database. The elements in the header (1 to 4) can be used to adjust some general settings and the elements in the filter area (5 to 13) allow to select data according to specific criteria.

  1. The database to be used. Currently, only “Ores & minerals” are supported but it is planned to provide additional datasets in the future
  2. Whether the whole dataset or only reliable data should be used. The reliability of the data is based solely on the analytical method and excludes all analyses pre-1974 (no mass bias correction) and analyses not measured with a TIMS or MC-ICP-MS (too imprecise). By default, this option is active.
  3. If only data with exact locations should be used or not. Sometimes, the location or site where the sample was taken cannot be reconstructed. In these cases, coordinates of the next smallest reliably determinable geographical or administrative entity are recorded.
  4. Whether “unknowns” should be excluded or not. Similar to the location, e.g. the mining site is not always reported. This option is only working on the current subsetting variable. Consequently, switching this variable (e.g. to the country) can change the number of displayed data points. Activating this option will also prevent the appearance of a legend item “unknown” in the plots.
  5. Select only data located in the specified modern country.
  6. Select only data located in the specified modern political provinces of the selected countries. They appear in the order of the selected countries.
  7. Select only data located in the specified mining regions in the selected countries. They appear in the order of the selected countries.
  8. Select only data from specific sites located within the modern political provinces or mining regions.
  9. Restrict the selection to samples from deposits that were formed in the selected geological epochs/ages.
  10. Restrict the selection to minerals that are contained in the ore (brackets around a mineral indicate that this is only a subordinate phase of the ore).
  11. Restrict the selection to metals that can be (theoretically) produced from the ores (brackets around an element indicate that only minor amounts of this metal could be produced). This does not necessarily mean that all metals given here were also extracted from the ore, and the produced metal(s) may be subject to changes over time.
  12. Restrict the instrument(s) used to produce the data.
  13. Restrict the selection to publications of a certain range of year, e.g. all publications after 2000.

How the filter work:

  • Click on the items in the list to select multiple ones. In the dropdown lists, you can remove them from the filter by clicking on an item (it changes the colour) and pressing DELETE.
  • Changing a filter on a higher level (e.g. country) will reset all filter on the lower levels (e.g. mining area). This holds also true for switching between reliable data and the full data set.
  • All items within the same filter are OR connected, i.e. picking galena and chalcopyrite as minerals will yield all data that contain galena OR chalcopyrite (or both) beside other mineral phases.
  • Area above the horizontal line (5 to 8)
    • You must pick one or multiple countries.
    • Based on the picked countries, the respective provinces and mining areas become available. Provinces and mining areas are OR connected (e.g. picking Italy and Egypt as countries and then Sardinia as province and the Eastern Desert as mining area will show all data from Sardinia and the Eastern Desert).
    • Based on the chosen provinces and mining areas, the mining sites become available narrow the selection further if desired.
  • Area below the horizontal line (9 to 13):
    • Changing filters above the horizontal line will reset the filters below the horizontal line.
    • These filters will be applied on the selection obtained from the filters 5 to 8. If no items are picked, the entire database will be filtered to display e.g. all copper ores or all ores containing galena.
    • All filters in this area are connected by AND conditions. For example, picking Cu as commodity and MC-ICP-MS as instrument will yield only copper ores measured by MC-ICP-MS.
  • The menu “Upload” provides an auto-match function for uploaded data. See the respective chapter for further details.


The selected data (and any uploaded data) are displayed in the map and in the preview plots in the same colours. The plots are static and intended for preview only. You can modify these elements with the following options:

  1. This is the category according to which the data will be subset. It is the same like for the plots (see next chapter).
  2. You can choose between three predefined axis-combinations for the preview.
  3. You can jump to a specific location by providing the respective coordinates as decimal degrees and pressing the “Go!” button.
  4. You can choose between different maps (including satellite images) and show/hide the reference data (and the uploaded data).

Clicking on points with a number in the map will centre the map on the area of the previously collapsed points. Hovering with the mouse over a point in the map gives some basic information to the respective data. Please do not get confused: Points with numbers are colour-coded according to the number of points they are containing. Colours according to the subsetting variable are only applied to individual points.


On this page you can explore the data more closely and customise the plots before downloading them for publication. It consists of two independent plots. Only two options are the same for both plots: the subsetting variable (1a) and the colour palette (1b).

Depending on the number of the selected variables (2), certain kinds of plots (“styles”) can be chosen (3). Transparency and size (point size or line width in millimetres) can be set for all plots in the column “Design” (4). Specific options for each kind of plot are provided in the second column if available (5, see below).

Plots are provided in an interactive view (6a) and as a preview of the print version, i.e. the one you can download (6b). There are two exceptions: 3D scatter plots can only be viewed interactively and not downloaded. If really necessary, a snapshot can be made with the small camera icon from the toolbar in the upper right corner of the plot. 2D density plots are not available in the interactive plots.

In the interactive scatter plots (styles “Point” and “2D scatter”), specific data can be selected via the “Box select” or the “Lasso” tool in the upper right corner of the respective plot (7). A table with the selected data will be displayed in the “data table tab” (8) for closer inspection. An explanation for most of the icons in this toolbar can be found here and we encourage you do play around with them.

The plot designs

  • X-axis (Y-axis is set to “none”):
    • Density (filled)
      • A one dimensional kernel density estimate.
      • Option “Arrangement of groups”: separate - all groups are overlapping each other; stacked - all groups on top of each other; stacked & normalised - all groups on top of each other and scaled to 1.
    • Histogram and Frequency polygon (filled)
      • Histograms (“bars”) or polygons (“lines”) with the number of observations within a certain interval (bin).
      • Option “Arrangement of groups”: separate - all groups are overlapping each other; stacked - all groups on top of each other; stacked & normalised - all groups on top of each other and scaled to 1.
      • Option “Binwidth”: The width of the intervals that the data are counted in, provided as the number of intervals the x-axis should be separated into. This value must always be adjusted to the respective selection of the data for an optimal display of the data’S distribution.
    • Boxplot:
      • Please read here for how to interprete a boxplot.
  • X & Y- axis (Z-axis is net to “none”):
    • Point
      • A scatter plot.
    • Density 2D
      • A two-dimensional kernel density estimate.
      • Option “Number of quantiles”: The number of quantiles at which contours should be drawn. The default 4 will draw contours at quartiles, i.e. at probabilities of 0%, 25%, 50%, 75%.
      • Option “Smallest displayed quantile”: The smallest quantile that is drawn. The default 0.02 draws the 2% quantile contour. This gives a fairly accurate outline while excluding single separate points.
      • Option “filled polygons”: If ticked, the contours will be filled.
      • Transparency affects only the filling of the contours, not the contour lines.
    • Point + Density 2D
      • A combination of scatter plot and 2D kernel density estimate. Contours of density estimates are filled by default. See the above.
  • X, Y, & Z-axis:
    • 2D scatter
      • A scatter plot. In contrast to the “Point” scatter plot, the Z-value is the subsetting value.
    • 3D scatter
      • A 3D scatter plot of the data.

Differences between interactive plots and print preview

The legend in the interactive plot is scrollable to maximise the graph. Clicking on an item in the legend will hide the data from this group while double-clicking on it will hide all other. However, the downloadable plots as they are shown in the print version are static and will always show the full extent of the entire data selection. This means that it ignores any zooming and hidden groups from the interactive plot. Additionally, the legend will always been shown in their full extent and might make the actual graph very small. Therefore you should always check the appearance of the plot in the print preview before downloading it.

Colour palettes

A wide range of colour palettes is available and all are optimised for colour-blind persons. However, except for the ones in the section “Viridis or similar”, most do not support a large amount of groups. If more groups are supplied to a palette than the palette contains colours, the groups will be displayed as white colour, i. e. are invisible in the plot and appear “without a signature” in the legend. You can see the palettes of the Viridis-section here and the ones of the Colorbrewer-sections here.

Upload and display of your data

In the Upload page you can upload your own dataset (1). These data will be deleted from the server the moment you close GlobaLID. Choose the correct parameters to parse your file (2). If it was parsed successfully, it will appear in the “Data Viewer” (3) for inspection (otherwise a message will indicate the problem). Your dataset must not contain columns other than the following ones and the columns must be named as following:

  • “group”. This column will be used to differentiate your data in the plots (see below). If not included, it will be automatically created with “This study” as its content.
  • A column for the latitude and longitude value; They must be named “lat” and “long”, or similar (e.g. latitude, longitude) and both (or none of them) must be provided.
  • Any of the isotope ratios with the last number of the respective atomic masses in the right order (e.g. “4/6” and “204Pb/206Pb” would both be recognised as the 204Pb/206Pb ratio). The following lead isotope ratios are supported: 204Pb-normalised ratios, 206Pb-normalised ratios, 206Pb/207Pb, and 208Pb/207Pb.
  • A “sample” column for individual sample labels.

All missing isotope ratios will be automatically calculated after your file was successfully parsed. So are the parameters for the different age models. Currently, the following lead isotope age models are supported: Stacey & Kramers 1975, Cumming & Richards 1975, Albarède & Juteau 1984, Albarède et al. 2012. The U238/U235 ratio is taken from Goldmann et al. 2015.

By hitting the “Match database” button (4), all data from GlobaLID with overlapping lead isotope ratios will be selected. With “Reset” (5) you can delete your data.

To keep a good optical differentiation between reference data and your data, your data is by default always plotted in black (and reference data in colour). While reference data are always points or solid lines, your data will get different signatures or line styles based on the content of the “group” column in your dataset. Further, it is always plotted on top of the reference data.

Download plots and data

Here you can download the plots created on the Explore page as well as the datasets. All files will be wrapped into a zip folder by default. Also by default, a file with the references for your selection of the dataset and the filter settings are included. For all other downloads, you have to tick the respective box (1).

For the plots, you can specify the physical size (2a, 2b) of the plots, their resolution (3) and also the file type (4). You can download them as raster (tiff, jpg, png) or vector graphics (pdf, eps) (5). You can download each plot as separate file (6) and/or both plots combined, either side-by-side with the legend on the bottom or on top of each other with the legend on the right (7). Please make sure the legends are compatible because only the legend of plot 1 will be displayed.

Similarly you can download the part of the GlobaLID database that you selected (8) and your own enhanced dataset (i.e. with age model parameters, 9) in different formats (10). Lastly, you can choose between a raw text file and a docx document for the references and filter settings (11).

Only after clicking the Download-button (12), GlobaLID will start to produce the files as requested. Please be aware that this might take a moment.

Other menus

Most of the other pages provide additional information:

  • “References” lists all the publications from which data were taken to compile GlobaLID.
  • At “Resources” you can download the functions specifically designed for GlobaLID.
  • At “About” you find all members of the GlobaLID Core Team, the contributors and how to get in contact with them.
  • “Contribute” is a password protected page and offers contributors a convenient way to upload new or revised data for GlobaLID. Instructions for this page are included there.


The web application is written in R. The following functions were specifically developed for GlobaLID. To use them in your own work, download them by clicking on the function name and load them into R with source().

Function Description Required packages Date
LI_ratios_all() Calculates missing lead isotope ratios from existing ones. dplyr 2021-06-20
LI_model_age() Calculates parameters for different lead isotope age models. The function provides convenient access to the different age model function, that are also part of this script. Currently supported age models: Stacey & Kramers (1975), Cumming & Richards (1975), Albarède & Juteau (1984), and Albarède et al. (2012). rootSolve 2021-10-03
geom_kde2d() This geom provides an alternative to the geom_density_2d() of the package ggplot2 for plotting 2D kernel density estimates based on quantiles. ggplot2, ks 2021-06-04
hCaptcha module for Shiny A module to include hCaptcha in Shiny apps. httr, jsonlite, shiny 2021-09-23

The source code of the GlobaLID web application is available on GitHub.

What is GlobaLID?

GlobaLID is a Global Lead Isotope Database and aims to facilitate the reconstruction of raw material provenances with lead isotopes, especially in archaeology. The app provides direct access to and convenient interaction with the GlobaLID database. You can filter the database according to your research question, upload own data to compare it with GlobaLID, and produce and download publication ready plots. Please watch our video tutorial for a “life” demonstration. The “References” page lists all references from which data are currently included in GlobaLID. There are still data missing? Consider to become a contributor and help to let GlobaLID grow! Visit our webpage to learn more about the GlobaLID project and to get the latest news.


© The GlobaLID Core Team 2024 (unless indicated otherwise)

The copyright material published on this website is subject to the German Copyright law, and is owned by the GlobaLID Core Team or, where indicated, by a party other than the GlobaLID Core Team. The GlobaLID Core Team supports and encourages use of its material for all legitimate purposes.

CC-BY 4.0 icon Copyright material available on this website is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY 4.0) licence unless indicated otherwise.

Show details

This licence allows you to:

  • Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format
  • Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material
  • for any purpose, even commercially

provided you attribute the GlobaLID Core Team as the source of the copyright material. The GlobaLID Core Team requests attribution as:
“GlobaLID Core Team (2021): GlobaLID web application V. 1.0, database status: 20 July 2024.

How to cite

Please attribute to GlobaLID by citing:

  • Westner, Katrin J.; Rose, Thomas; Klein, Sabine; Hsu, Yiu-Kang; Becerra, María Florencia; Nezafati, Nima; Renson, Virginie & Stephens, Jay (2023): GlobaLID – Global Lead Isotope Database. V. 1.1. GFZ Data Services.
  • GlobaLID Core Team (2021): GlobaLID web application V. 1.0, database status: 2024-07-20.
  • Klein, S., Rose, T., Westner, K. J., & Hsu, Y.-K. (2022). From OXALID to GlobaLID: Introducing a modern and FAIR lead isotope database with an interactive application. Archaeometry 64(4), 935–950.

For direct import into your reference manager copy the citations as


 author = {Westner, Katrin J. and Rose, Thomas and Klein, Sabine and Hsu, Yiu-Kang and Becerra, María Florencia and Nezafati, Nima and Renson, Virginie and Stephens, Jay},
 year = {2023},
 title = {{GlobaLID -- Global Lead Isotope Database V. 1.1}},
 publisher = {{GFZ Data Services}},
 doi = {10.5880/fidgeo.2023.043}, 
 url = {}

 author = {{GlobaLID Core Team}},
 year = {2022},
 title = {{GlobaLID web application V. 1.0, database status: 2024-07-20}},
 url = {}

author = {Klein, Sabine and Rose, Thomas and Westner, Katrin J. and Hsu, Yiu-Kang},
title = {From OXALID to GlobaLID: Introducing a modern and FAIR lead isotope database with an interactive application},
journal = {Archaeometry},
volume = {64},
number = {4},
pages = {935-950},
doi = {},


AU  - Westner, Katrin J
AU  - Rose, Thomas
AU  - Klein, Sabine
AU  - Hsu, Yiu-Kang
AU  - Becerra, María Florencia
AU  - Nezafati, Nima
AU  - Renson, Virginie
AU  - Stephens, Jay
TI  - GlobaLID -- Global Lead Isotope Database
ET  - V. 1.1
PY  - 2023
DA  - 2023
PB  - GFZ Data Services
DO  - 10.5880/fidgeo.2023.043
UR  -
ER  - 

AU  - GlobaLID Core Team
TI  - GlobaLID web application
ET  - V. 1.0, database status: 2024-07-20
PY  - 2022
DA  - 2022
UR  -
ER  - 

T1  - From OXALID to GlobaLID: Introducing a modern and FAIR lead isotope database with an interactive application
AU  - Klein, Sabine
AU  - Rose, Thomas
AU  - Westner, Katrin J.
AU  - Hsu, Yiu-Kang
PY  - 2022
DA  - 2022/02/09
DO  -
JF  - Archaeometry
JO  - Archaeometry
JA  - Archaeometry
VL  - 64
IS  - 4
SP  - 935
EP  - 950
SN  - 0003-813X
UR  -
ER  - 


You want to contribute to GlobaLID? Please get in touch with us, we are looking forward to your message!

Core Team

Sabine Klein
Forschungsbereich Archäometallurgie, Leibniz-Forschungsmuseum für Georessourcen/Deutsches Bergbau-Museum Bochum, Bochum, Germany
Institut für Archäologische Wissenschaften, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Bochum, Germany
FIERCE, Frankfurt Isotope & Element Research Centre, Goethe Universität, Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Helge Wiethoff
Rechenzentrum, Technische Hochschule Georg Agricola, Bochum, Germany

Thomas Rose
Forschungsbereich Archäometallurgie, Leibniz-Forschungsmuseum für Georessourcen/Deutsches Bergbau-Museum Bochum, Bochum, Germany

Tim Greifelt
Forschungsbereich Archäometallurgie, Leibniz-Forschungsmuseum für Georessourcen/Deutsches Bergbau-Museum Bochum, Bochum, Germany

Katrin J. Westner
Forschungsbereich Archäometallurgie, Leibniz-Forschungsmuseum für Georessourcen/Deutsches Bergbau-Museum Bochum, Bochum, Germany

Yiu-Kang Hsu
Forschungsbereich Archäometallurgie, Leibniz-Forschungsmuseum für Georessourcen/Deutsches Bergbau-Museum Bochum, Bochum, Germany

Annette Hornschuch
Forschungsbereich Montanarchäologie, Leibniz-Forschungsmuseum für Georessourcen/Deutsches Bergbau-Museum Bochum, Bochum, Germany

Regional editors

María Florencia Becerra (South America)
CONICET (Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas) - División Arqueología, Museo de La Plata, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina

Meghna Desai (India)
Science and Technology in Archaeology and Culture Research Center (STARC), The Cyprus Institute, Nicosia, Cyprus

Thomas R. Fenn (South Asia, North Africa)
Department of Anthropology, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK, USA

Sonia García de Madinabeitia (Iberian Peninsula)
Department of Anthropology, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK, USA

Siran Liu (China)
Institute for Cultural Heritage and History of Science & Technology, University of Science and Technology Beijing, China

Nima Nezafati (Iran)
Forschungsbereich Archäometallurgie, Leibniz-Forschungsmuseum für Georessourcen/Deutsches Bergbau-Museum Bochum, Bochum, Germany

T. O. Pryce (Southeast Asia)
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, UMR 7065 Institut de Recherche sur les ArchéoMATériaux, Université Paris-Saclay & CEA/CNRS UMR 3685 NIMBE, 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette, France

Virginie Renson (North America)
Archaeometry Laboratory, Research Reactor Center, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO, USA

Jay Stephens (Africa)
School of Anthropology, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA
Archaeometry Laboratory, Research Reactor Center, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO, USA

Material editors

Laure Dussubieux (Glass)
Field Museum, Chicago, IL, USA

Thomas R. Fenn (Glass)
Department of Anthropology, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK, USA

Alicia Van Ham-Meert (Glass)
FNRS researcher CReA-patrimoine and 4MAT, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium

Maxime L’Héritier (India)
University of Paris 8, Paris, France

T. O. Pryce (Copper items)
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, UMR 7065 Institut de Recherche sur les ArchéoMATériaux, Université Paris-Saclay & CEA/CNRS UMR 3685 NIMBE, 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette, France

Frederik Rademakers (Copper items)
Department of Scientific Research, British Museum, London, United Kingdom

Alexandra Rodler-Rørbo (Pigments)
Austrian Archaeological Institute, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, Austria

David Wigg-Wolf (Coins)
Römisch-Germanische Kommission des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, Frankfurt, Germany

Grzegorz Żabiński (Glass)
FNRS researcher CReA-patrimoine and 4MAT, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium

Contributors (Data)

Rebekka Elsasser
Forschungsbereich Archäometallurgie, Leibniz-Forschungsmuseum für Georessourcen/Deutsches Bergbau-Museum Bochum, Bochum, Germany

Sabine Fischer-Lechner
Forschungsbereich Archäometallurgie, Leibniz-Forschungsmuseum für Georessourcen/Deutsches Bergbau-Museum Bochum, Bochum, Germany

Partners and Supporting Institutions

Web Hosting:
Deutsches Bergbau-Museum Bochum
The Deutsches Bergbau-Museum Bochum – founded in 1930 – is one of eight research museums belonging to the Leibniz Association. It researches, teaches and preserves the history of the mining, processing and use of geo-resources across all of the relevant time periods. Its research areas include: archaeometallurgy, mining history, materials science, and mining archaeology, together with the research laboratory, and the Montanhistorische Dokumentationszentrum.

Web Hosting:
DMT-Gesellschaft für Lehre und Bildung mbH
DMT-Gesellschaft für Lehre und Bildung mbH (DMT-LB), based in Bochum, is a collective association of the German coal mining industry and acts as the funding organisation of Deutsches Bergbau-Museum Bochum (German Mining Museum) and Technische Hochschule Georg Agricola. It was established as the Westfälische Berggewerkschaftskasse (WBK) in 1864 and merged with the Steinkohlen-Bergbau-Verein (Stbv) and Bergbau Forschung GmbH under the auspices of DeutscheMontanTechnologie e.V. (DMT) in 1990.


Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
This work has received funding from the German Research Foundation (DFG) through the grants KL 1259/17-1 and WI 5923/2-1 (project number: 524790825).


The initial GlobaLID database was compiled during years of own research and profited from the generous sharing of published lead isotope datasets by many colleagues. The creative and collective work of compiling the database and application was initiated when all members of the Core Team and E. Salzmann were members of the Archaeometallurgy group at the Deutsches Berbau-Museum Bochum (DBM). Hannah Zietsch (DBM) compiled the initial literature references. Annette Hornschuch (DBM) and Helge Wiethoff (DMT-LB) provided support during the preparation and deployment of the app.

The Core Team feels deeply grateful for the support of the contributors. Without their efforts, GlobaLID would grow much slower and less accurate.

We are indebted to the R Core Team for providing and maintaining R and all the authors of the fantastic packages we use, especially Hadley Wickham and the RStudio team. We are immensely grateful to the OpenStreetMap contributors from whose Nominatim database we obtain most of the the geographical meta-information. Last but definitely not least, the knowledge provided by the community on Stackoverflow and many other pages was a constant source of inspiration and an enormous help during the development of the app.

The following packages are used in the app and/or for work on the database:

The implementation of the hCaptcha is a modified version of shinyCAPTCHA.


2024-07-20 – Additional data from many Central American Countries and several Southern European Countries (contributor: K. J. Westner). The database now includes 4623 entries.

Coordinates and mining regions for some data from Chilean and German deposits were cleaned up.

2024-03-31 – Additional data from Chile (contributor: M. F. Becerra) and Germany (contributors: S. Fischer-Lechner, T. Rose). The database now includes 4563 entries.

2024-01-03 – The database version 1.1. is now published at GFZ Data Services, archiving its current state:

2023-11-19 – Additional data from Argentina (contributor: M. F. Becerra). The database now includes 4147 entries.

Additional metadata are included for some publications (contributor: K. J. Westner). Some minor editing was done on a few entries to increase consistency of the database (esp. unification of British vs. American English and capialisation)

The template for contributions was updated to the current metadata scheme.

2023-08-20 – Data can be subset now according to “Tectonic/geolog. super unit”, “Tectonic/geolog. unit”, “Tectonic/geolog. subunit”, “Deposit type”. Please check our data description of the database for how they are defined.

2023-06-18 – Additional data from

  • Germany (contributor: S. Fischer-Lechner, T. Rose)
  • Sub-Sahara Africa (contributor: J. Stephens)

The database now includes 4046 entries.

2023-06-04 – Additional data from

  • Germany, Czechia (contributor: S. Fischer-Lechner, T. Rose)
  • Greece (contributor: K. J. Westner, M. Vaxevanopoulos)
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia (contributor: K. J. Westner).

The database now includes 3245 entries.

2023-01-31 – Additional data from Germany included (contributor: S. Fischer-Lechner. T. Rose). The database now includes 2763 entries.

2022-12-20 – Additional data from Germany included (contributors: S. Fischer-Lechner, T. Rose). The database now includes 2699 entries.

2022-03-28 – The original publications for some data published in OXALID was added.

2022-03-23 – Video tutorial for the GlobaLID web application is now available on YouTube.

2022-03-01 – New publication about GlobaLID: Klein, S., Rose, T., Westner, K. J., & Hsu, Y.-K. (2022). From OXALID to GlobaLID: Introducing a modern and FAIR lead isotope database with an interactive application. Archaeometry 64(4), 935–950.

2022-01-18 – Additional data from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Greece, and the Kosovo included (contributor: K. J. Westner). The database now includes 2468 entries.

2021-11-27 – Links open now in new tabs and do close the app anymore. Exception: Links that are displayed as their URL. In these cases automatic link detection overwrites it to the default behaviour (open in same tab).

2021-11-15 – Additional data from Bulgaria included (contributor: K. J. Westner). The database now includes 2237 entries.

2021-11-01 – Additional data from Greece included (contributor: K. J. Westner). The database now includes 2141 entries.

Release of GlobaLID web application V. 1.0

2021-11-01 – Version 1.0 of the GlobaLID web application is now online!

Release of GlobaLID database V. 1.0

2021-10-06 – Version 1.0 of the GlobaLID database is now available at!
The database currently includes 1892 entries, many of them are the result of hard work by Katrin J. Westner (Sardinia, Southeastern Europe, Greece) and Nima Nezafati (Iran).

Legal Notice

The Deutsche Bergbau-Museum Bochum is a dependent facility of the DMT-Gesellschaft für Lehre und Bildung mbH.

Provider according to § 5 TMG is therefore:
DMT-Gesellschaft für Lehre und Bildung mbH
Am Bergbaumuseum 28
44791 Bochum
Phone +49 234 5877-0

Managing Director: Prof. Susanne Lengyel (chairman), Prof. Dr. Sunhild Kleingärtner, Ulrich Wessel

commercial register: Amtsgericht Bochum, HRB 4052
VAT identification number according to § 27 UStG: DE124091698

Regulatory body: Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft des Landes Nordrhein Westfalen


Das Deutsche Bergbau-Museum Bochum ist eine unselbstständige Betriebseinheit der DMT-Gesellschaft für Lehre und Bildung mbH.

Anbieter nach § 5 TMG ist daher:
DMT-Gesellschaft für Lehre und Bildung mbH
Am Bergbaumuseum 28
44791 Bochum
Tel. +49 234 5877-0

Geschäftsführer: Prof. Dr. Jürgen Kretschmann (Vorsitzender), Adolf Siethoff

Handelsregister Amtsgericht Bochum, HRB 4052
Umsatzsteueridentifikationsnummer nach § 27 UStG: DE124091698

Zuständige Aufsichtsbehörde: Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft des Landes Nordrhein Westfalen

Privacy statement


The data and information used in the tool come from many different sources, including third parties. The data was taken as stated in the original publication. The accuracy of their collection has not been verified.


Die Daten und Informationen, die in dem Tool verwendet werden, stammen u.a. aus vielen unterschiedlichen Quellen und auch von Dritten. Die Daten wurden wie in der Originalpublikation angegeben übernommen. Die Richtigkeit ihrer Erhebung wurde nicht überprüft.

Data upload

Many thanks for your efforts in extending GlobaLID!

To prepare your submission

To facilitate the extension of GlobaLID, please make sure to use this template (UTF-8 encoded, comma-separated) and to follow these notations:

  • Names and titles in local script are provided in square brackets after the transliterated names wherever possible, e.g. Egypt [مصر] or Zamthang County [壤塘县]. This also holds true for names with letters close to the English alphabet, like Hunsruck [Hunsrück] or Cevennes [Cévennes].
  • Multiple items within a field are separated by a ; (semicolon), e.g. Cu; Fe; Pb.
  • Mineral names are never abbreviated.
  • Coordinates must be given in decimal degree according to EPSG 4326, these are the coordinates you get from e.g. GoogleMaps and OpenStreetMap.

The submission workflow

  1. Upload your data. Please make sure it is encoded in UTF-8 to avoid any problems with non-standard latin letters.
  2. Provide the correct information to parse your dataset (separator, decimal sign, quote).
  3. Fill in all other fields. They will depend on the type of the contribution:
    • “New data”:
      • Published material: Please provide a pdf of the original publication, its DOI (if available, otherwise “n/a”) and its full citation. Files larger than 25 MB cannot be submitted via the app, please send them to us by mail
      • Unpublished material: This feature will be available soon.
    • “Update data”:
      • No further information is necessary.
  4. Please provide a short comment about the data, i. e. indicate what you updated, from which region the new data are etc. Please indicate here also any potential problems and ambiguities in the data. This will allow us to better organise the integration of your contribution into GlobaLID.
  5. Check in the tab “Data Viewer” if your data was correctly parsed. Double-check if everything is correct; typos must be avoided at all cost.
  6. Go to the “Check & Submit” tab and check if your submission is in agreement with the list. If so, tick the boxes.
  7. Finally, hit the “Submit” button. GlobaLID will roughly check your submission.
    • You will get a confirmation of your submission if it was successful.
    • If it was not successful, an error message will tell you which problem occurred.
I confirm that